Shop Fair Supermarkets Yonkers NY


I have a Serious question Because This Sign Right Here Says

"Did you remember to bring your reusable bag today"

Because last year New York has passed a law banning plastic bags because Its terrible for the environment and doesn't decompose fast enough like paper bags

But when you do bring a reusable bag

With your personal items inside or Even if its Empty ,The Shop Fair Supermarket Of Yonkers requests To Keep your Bag With them until You're Ready To leave the Store .

My question is why The Store asks to hold The Bags until you're ready to checkout But Have this Sign Up .

They Claim Its in Their Policy But several other Shop Fair's dont do this Because I personally called a Few, And This Didn't Start Until that Viral Video went Down about a Year or two ago when It was Something that Related To Shoplifting, Employees assaulting The Alleged Shoplifters ,Employees Calling derogatory Names Including Racist Names Towards The Alleged Shoplifters.

Now just imagine 8 Registers Operating On Both Ends of the store Front/Back

The check-in location where they keep the bags are at the entrance/Exit doors area . Now 16 different customers are waiting at the doors to get the bags to begin filling it up with Paid Merchandise .

Personally it Seems like a Accident Waiting to happen God Forbid A Medical/Or Fire Happens Everyone Panicking and everybody tripping and falling because of shopping carts are blocking the exits because customers was trying to bag their merchandise at the Doors instead of The Register Like All the Other Stores.

As A Licenced Fire Life/Safety Director and Former Loss Prevention Director, It has To be A Better way for this failed loss prevention strategy That this Store has In Place at this Location and If This Store Is Going to Have Their Own Policy , This Policy Must Be Posted in a visible area At the Doors at Same Location Where The Photo was Taken

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