COVID-19 cases are increasing in most parts of the country.


A message from the Center Of Disease Control :

The U.S. level of community transmission is high. COVID-19 cases are increasing in most parts of the country. The 7-day average of daily new cases is 130,121. This is 13.2% higher than the previous 7-day period, and 1,016.8% higher than the lowest daily average in June 2021. Take actions to protect yourself and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

If you aren’t vaccinated:

✅ Get vaccinated.

😷 Wear a mask over your nose & mouth.

↔ Stay at least 6 feet from others.

🚫 Avoid crowds & poorly ventilated spaces.

🖐 Wash your hands often.

Everyone—even vaccinated people—in areas with a substantial or high level of community transmission should wear a mask indoors in public. More:

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