Administrator of Facebook News Group Thinks he can restrict....


I am asking everyone to Share This Open Discussion on all social media platforms

Sound It Off Because this actually happened to me about An Hour Ago !!!!!!!!

2 part Question

Scenario>>>: If you are a member of a Facebook group, and a topic is posted regarding a "Missing Person", you see the topic, recognize the person in the photo, seen them recently so you tag a friend/Relative that might know the Missing Person whereabouts and the original author contacts you is that considered promoting your own group or page?<<<

>>>2nd Part Of This Question: As A Reputable Video Journalist ,Before messaging me Shouldn't That Admin/Moderator fact check before even Thinking About Making Statements That Arent True? <<<

He believes that he can restrict open communication between members and the community in Facebook Messenger and Texts. Is this the type of news agency/Group that you want?

An Administrator/Moderator that acts like a dictator that wants to be in control 24/7 including In Your Private Messages just because a member messaged you and you offered help.

Like I told him 

I don't Delete No Messages because I believe to always have facts available 24/7

It's Unbelievable 🤣😂🤣 I'm Actually Making this Topic But This Admin/Moderator actually said they would remove me from His group Because He Didn't Get His Facts Correct..

Please #Share because once this has 200 shares I will drop the screenshots and Add them in this section including the name of the group so everyone can know this administrators real hidden agenda acting like a dictator. 

you can decide on who is right and who is wrong. And you can also decide if you will continue being a member of that group or leave and find our group on Facebook titled

National News Breakers

We are paving the way on how real news is broadcasted

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