Statement from Shaun King
It’s a wild thing to see your 40 year old wife, who is a badass professional with a lifetime of work, and credit, and savings, purchase her first home WITH AN FHA LOAN, and suddenly it gets plastered all over the news like I bought it and like we are living large. All lies.
We don’t live in a mansion. Or anything like it. It’s laughable. It’s an old house. And we have 5 kids and aging parents to look after.
They mean to get me killed.
It was nearly 1 year ago today that we caught cops all over the country plotting to kill me. We already got death threats daily.
I’ve seen our home and details all over the net. We now have security outside the home, again, and have told our kids to never play outside again.
That’s what they want.
My wife bought this home. She worked her ass off for it. She is a senior executive with 20 years of experience. What are we talking about here?
In the past 24 hours I’ve seen so many lies, scores of them sadly spread by Black folk, but started by the conservative white media, about my family.
We don’t live lavishly. You’d have to live in NY/NJ to know how much it costs to buy a home here. We live in a working class town.
In fact, the only reason our family of 7 didn’t purchase a home in Brooklyn where we live is because we simply couldn’t afford it. Nobody I know can. We could purchase a 1 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn.
In fact, our mortgage is now less than I’ve paid in rent anytime in the past 10 years.
Where do people want my family to live? What would make them happy? I don’t think the harassment and lies about me will ever stop. Not even when I’m dead.
It’s all so damn gross.
And shameful.
And dangerous.
I’m mainly sorry for my wife and young kids that the world has now caused them more harm and made our family so unsafe that we can’t even have any peace. It’s heartbreaking.
Love you until the wheels fall off, Rai.