PUT ON THE DAMN MASK: Don't Put Us Back In Shut Down


PUT ON THE DAMN MASK: Don't Put Us Back In Shut Down --- The greatest number of active cases are 65 in #Yonkers.....

#FACTS..... Westchester County Health Officials Are Seeing A Recent Uptick in COVID-19 Infections

County Executive George Latimer said Monday that there has been no confirmation that the Delta variant, which medical experts say is more transmissible, is in Westchester but county and state health officials are keeping close watch.

He said #WestchesterCounty would try and find out if there is more information related to the potential emergence of the variant locally and whether those who have been infected most recently have been unvaccinated.

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As of Monday, according to the Westchester County COVID-19 dashboard, active cases had increased to 295, up from 185 two weeks ago.

The greatest number of active cases are generally in Westchester’s highest population centers, led by 65 in Yonkers, 33 in #NewRochelle, 21 in #MountVernon, 15 in #WhitePlains and 14 each in #Greenburgh and #RyeCity. The only other municipality in double digits in active cases was #Eastchester with 11, according to the dashboard.

Westchester had 33 positives from 2,925 tests – there are 14 COVID-19-related hospitalizations, up from 11 two weeks ago after a brief uptick to 19, Latimer stated.

During the three-day span from Friday through Sunday, there have been 101 new cases in the county, as fresh infections have seemed to settle in the 30s on a daily basis during the most recent stretch.


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