
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY: Like Our Founding Fathers, Journalists Stand Against Tyranny And Holds Those In Power Accountable To The Public
Soon after the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence 242 years ago, the document, and news of its approval, began to be circulated across the new nation — by the press.
The news that America was severing the “political bands” with Britain was not uniformly welcomed in #Yonkers, back in 1776.
A sizable proportion of the population in Yonkers didn’t want to upset the apple cart.
The colonies, now declared to be United States, were in for a period of violent division.
We are now living through another time of great division of political perspective.
Although less bloody, it's no less nasty.
One element of this uncivil discourse is the denigration of the news media, including the dehumanization of reporters and the utter disdain for the free press that has been a cornerstone of our democracy since the beginning.
There’s a great danger in portraying the mainstream media as corrupt.
If you can’t believe what we publish and begin to rely only on what your favorite politicians, public figures and news commentators favorable to them tell you, a vital part of our system of checks and balances is gone.
In these contentious political times – when the media is under attack for reporting facts, when lies and “fake news” are the currency of government officials along with their local network of friends and family members.
That’s not the way the Founding Fathers intended it to be.
Revolutionary war pamphlets were a powerful tool in terms of truth-telling and driving toward our Declaration of Independence.
Words mattered then, and they matter now.
As such, restricting speech of local journalists is a legitimate threat to the American way of life.
At the Yonkers Newswire we try to hold all sides to account.
Often times local Yonkers journalists are publicly berated, slandered, warned, cursed and threatened with lawsuits.
All because they are doing their job, telling the truth.
America is still a country to be celebrated, offering boundless potential.
A thoughtful celebration of our history should consider the good and the bad, while remaining focused on the blessing of freedom the freedom of the press – in all its forms.
And, like our Founding Fathers on that July day in 1776, the Yonkers Newswire stands against tyranny in all its forms.
We stand for a free press for a free people.
At the Yonkers Newswire we strive to earn your trust every day.
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Happy Fourth of July.