STATEMENT: From Yonkers Assemblyman Nader Sayegh

It has been a long 15 months, but thanks to modern science creating vaccines, and thanks to 70% of New Yorkers getting them, the State of Emergency in New York is officially over today, June 24.

When I voted in the State Assembly to authorize the State of Emergency in March of 2020, there was no way to know what loomed head, but we saw amazing stories day after day of New Yorkers coming together to help one another.

We saw people banging pots and cheering at shift changes at hospitals, we saw food pantries quickly ramping up to make sure people had food, we saw essential workers going in every day to maintain essential services.

I stood with Governor Andrew Cuomo at the National Guard Armory Mass Vaccination Site in Yonkers just 2 months ago, when he announced those over 60 did not need an appointment for vaccination.

Today, 2 months later, over 70% of New Yorkers have received at least one shot, and we are moving forward.

Now for the 30% not vaccinated, including many young adults, I urge you to get a shot because the latest COVID-19 Variant, Delta, spreads quickly and sickens everyone in your household.

Also, New York will continue to follow guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which includes requiring non-vaccinated people to wear masks indoors, such as on public transit and other settings.

There is still much recovery work to do, but the end of the State of Emergency is very welcome news."

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