
Its raining outside here in Brisbane… and the perfect sort of weather to snuggle a Puggle.
Check out the tongue on this little Puggle, currently in care with WRREA out at Murphy’s Creek. Talking of tongues, did you know that echidnas are toothless?
At the end of their slender snouts, echidnas have tiny mouths and toothless jaws. They use their long, sticky tongues to feed on ants, termites, worms, and insect larvae. Yummo!
The short-beaked echidna even earned its scientific name ‘Tachyglossus’ meaning "fast tongue," from its way of rapidly darting its 6-inch tongue in and out of its mouth to slurp up insects. Since they have no teeth, to break down their dinner, they do so by crushing down with hard pads located on the roof of the mouth and back of the tongue…
Pretty ingenious really!
Overcast , with a high of 64 and low of 44 degrees. Overcast in the morning, fog overnight.