
PLEASE NOTE: The News At The Yonkers Newswire Will Be A Bit Delayed Today As Editor Brian Harrod Prepares To Be On Hezi Aris Radio Program This Morning
ON THE RADIO: Joan Gronowski Former Yonkers City Council member, Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard, Mount Vernon, NY Mayor, #JoanieMadden, National Endowment for the Arts National Heritage Fellowship Recipient for Cherish the Ladies, Brian Harrod, #YonkersNewswire Publisher/Editor, and #HeziAris, Yonkers Tribune Publisher/Editor on Westchester On the Level – Wednesday, June 23 2021, from 10am-12Noon
Joan Gronowski, former Yonkers City Councilmember opens the broadcast day giving her perspective on the latest vote count tally regarding disparate contests! From 10-10:30am
Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard speaks to the political landscape that may have transformed by way of the Primary Election results. We conjecture what may affect Mount Vernon’s capacity to evolve its fortunes. From 10:30-11am.
Joanie Madden, is a musician who has over the past 36 years has been the leader of the internationally renowned Irish Music and Dance Ensemble, Cherish the Ladies. It was on June 15th that the National Endowment for the Arts’ National Heritage Fellowship, the highest honor that our nation bestows upon its folk and traditional artists, was presented to her. She is one of nine individuals, “national living treasures” chosen from across the nation. Those chosen receive a one-time-only Fellowship in recognition of their lifetime achievement, artistic excellence and contributions to the nation’s cultural heritage. from 11-11:30am.
Brian Harrod, Yonkers Newswire Publisher/Editor and Hezi Aris, Yonkers Tribune / Mount Vernon Tribune Publisher discuss the outcome of Tuesday’s Primary Election results.
The offices in contention are that of #Yonkers City Council President, Yonkers City Council members representing District Two, District Four, and District Six, #WestchesterCounty Board Legislators Representing District 15, 16, and 17, #MountVernon City Council members, #WestchesterCountyClerk are all in contention.