THE COUNTDOWN: Has Begun For Yonkers' Illegal Summer Pyrotechnics That Will Burn Down Buildings And Make Families Homeless


THE COUNTDOWN: Has Begun For #Yonkers' Illegal Summer Pyrotechnics That Will Burn Down Buildings And Make Families Homeless

YONKERS: The rockets' red glare and bombs bursting in the air over the city of hills last summer gave proof through many a night that illegal fireworks were still there — and out of control.

PROACTIVE POLICING: Mayor Mike Spano and Yonkers Police Department Commissioner #JohnMueller needs to put together a a task force to crack down on pyrotechnics in the city.

This task force should also include the fire department and other city agencies, like the building department, if a landlord is allowing tenants to conduct this illegal activity on their property.

Illegal fireworks are noisy, they disrupt the peace, but they can also be dangerous, and we have to understand how important it is to ensure that illegal fireworks are confiscated so they can’t do harm to people in communities.

The #YonkersPD needs to root out illegal fireworks storage locations and to prevent people from smuggling pyrotechnics into the community.

Illegal fireworks are obvious fire and explosion hazards when in the possession of untrained hands — one mistake could result in serious injury, property damage, homeless families and even death.

The #YPD detectives and intelligence units need to develop information on who the sellers are and target them.

The danger of illegal fireworks goes beyond just the fire hazards they pose.

They have an effect on veterans, families that have suffered gun violence and on children.

Many of our veterans who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are affected by these fireworks.

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