
A Special Message from Tasha D. Young,
I am grateful and uplifted by how close we came to making history. Since Greenburgh was first founded in 1788, there has never been a woman or a person of color allowed to lead the Town. In this race, we didn’t stop to ask permission, and for a shining moment it looked like the pattern was about to change.
I am so proud of my campaign and the fact that I ran. This campaign outperformed expectations and trembled on the brim of success so many times-- first, when I achieved the support of a plurality of District Leaders. Next, when we far surpassed the number of petition signatures needed, collecting over 1200 signatures when only 300 were needed. And at last, we presented Mr. Feiner with a robust challenge that brought long neglected issues to the forefront. Congratulations to Mr. Feiner for winning the primary.
I am proud of what we have accomplished as an insurgent campaign, a women led, mom led campaign that canvassed and planned with children on our hips and while caring for sick and/or elderly relatives, without the help of moneyed interests, un-bossed and un-bought.
I am sorry that we won’t be able to bring the change that Greenburgh needs this year. We’ve run out of time to reverse catastrophic climate change; we need to be more than we have been to bring equity to our community and to help our businesses and families recover from Covid quickly. We hope that the burden of lawsuit settlements on the Town eventually abates. I wish Supervisor Feiner the best in this challenge.
I deeply thank my campaign staff, supporters, and endorsers for all the help and love they have given me during this campaign.
God bless you all and take extra special care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Tasha D. Young