

Well, it looks like we are not going back to Normal. Westchester County DA

Mimi Rocah Is leading the way with the reopening of the Kenneth Chamberlain Sr case, the DJ Henry case, and she has now charged New Rochelle Detective Michael Vaccoro with ."Attempted Assault",

for his Inappropriate Actions with a

Mount Vernon Man, by striking the man multiple times with his fist, attempting to kick him, and pressing his face into the pavement, While Officers had already had the situation under Control.

Well! It now seems like the ACTIONS that Mimi Rocah took are being put on trail by the Local Police Unions.

“The New Rochelle PBA is outraged that the Westchester County District Attorney has decided to bring “attempted assault” charges against our brother member, as stated "This decision is simply wrong."

Mount Vernon PBA President Michael

Mastrogiorgio also shared his displeasure

"Absolute disgrace this DA is destroying Police Departments. Getting charged with a crime for doing your job is completely totally sickening".

This is not a Surprise that the Police Unions will "PROTECT AND SERVE" their fellow Officers.

Will DA Rocah be attacked now for doing her job? As stated by Mount Vernon PBA President Michael Mastrogiorgio

"She should strap on a vest and get in a car and walk a mile in our shoes before she passes judgment on good cops doing what they’re supposed to be doing.”

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We acknowledge that their are "HUNDREDS" Of Officers that are out their doing the right thing, and we

"RESPECT AND SALUTE" them For there Bravery, DAY IN AND DAY OUT,

But when 99 percent are doing the right thing should the 1 percent not be held accountable.

It would seem that one of the main issues is with the PBA, until they stop protecting the 1 percent and allow the judicial system to work we will always have a problem. The PBA is part of the issue and change will only come when they become part of the solution by acknowledging that the 1 percent exists and hold them "ACCOUNTABLE".

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