Team Tasha! Needs your help


Team Tasha! Need your help

We need couple of people going in to vote today to pluck the lawn signs from their own yards and place them on the way to the Dobbs and Greenburgh Town Hall voting locations. They need to be OUTSIDE of a 100 foot radius. We have new signs on order coming this week so we can replace yours.

Also, please read this letter which I sent to Paul Feiner.

"I would like to introduce myself as Tasha Young's campaign manager. I am reaching out to you because we have a problem. Volunteers are telling me that many campaign signs they put up in public locations in Greenburgh, Irvington and Ardsley have disappeared, often in places where signs representing other candidates including yourself, still remain. We're also finding that our lawn signs are being moved, rotated, etc. and that's not ethical or a good look for your campaign.

We had checked carefully with the Town and each village, and where applicable, applied for permission to post lawn signs; and have adhered to the rules in almost every case. We are not complaining about any signs which may have been mistakenly placed unlawfully. We have photos and locations for several of the missing signs and can confirm that they were placed according to the rules.

Please alert your volunteers and supporters that removal of campaign signs is a felony under Fair Campaign Code in the Board of Elections regulations, § 6201.1

We hope that if possible, the signs will reappear where they were originally. If not, they should be returned to us. I have cc'd Chiefs of Police McNerney, Barbelet, and Pignatelli in case they are able to advise.

Thank you very much, and I am sorry that our first contact is under this circumstance."

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