
In 233 years, Greenburgh has not had a female at the helm, nor a black person in the chief seat. This year Greenburgh is positioned to get both in the personage of Tasha D. Young, Democratic Candidate for Town Supervisor.

With Tasha D. Young, Greenburgh gets to catch up with the times. While the incumbent has been in power for 30 years, the region has not had ample fresh ideas and innovative actions and Tasha brings that with respect to aggressive business development plans that increase the commercial tax base and reduce the residential tax burden. She will provide affordable housing growth, and post-pandemic recovery for small businesses and individuals, all put into practice in an equitable and sustainable manner. In the present day, Greenburgh has the opportunity to put into place and practice Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at its highest employment post. A Tasha D. Young Administration would be a swift transition of a “boost up” for all 92,000 constituents as she seeks to solve problems from both an individual and systemic level. Right now the two candidates running for the Supervisory office are in a round of chess, every move is crucial; every move matters. With the level of governance required in today’s America , True genuine leadership skills have got to be as sharp as the Nation's top fencer! Most plainly, Tasha D. Young delivers, not just when the kettle is hot. Ms. Young prides herself on operating with transparency, inclusivity and accountability at every measure of leadership.

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Aside from making history, here is what Greenburgh stands to acquire with Tasha D. Young as Town Supervisor when you vote early for her on June 12th.

A look at her first 100 days: Budget, Budget, Budget, all eyes on financial appropriations, with an annual budget of $110 Million the looming interest will be, how it has been divvied up, how it has been dispensed and allocated. In contrast to occasional gaffes, and problematic blunders of the current Supervisor, Tasha Young vows to listen closely and clearly to constituents, keep an open mind, further what worked from the previous regime, and make changes that result in immediate improvements in the quality of life in Greenburgh.


This is a paid advertisement from Friends of Tasha D Young Candidate for Greenburgh Town supervisor

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