Biden's 100-Day Stock Market the Hottest Since the 1950s


ANALYSIS: Biden's 100-Day Stock Market the Hottest Since the 1950s

Better, in fact, than any president before him going back to at least the 1950s and the Dwight Eisenhower administration, as the 46th chief executive has witnessed an unprecedented growth on Wall Street in his first 100 days in office as measured from the time of his election.

"Biden's first 100 days have already delivered the strongest post-election equity returns in at least 75 years, due to record fiscal stimulus and despite heavy use of Executive Orders," JPMorgan Chase strategist John Normand said in a note.

"The results are "not bad for someone Trump labeled as Sleepy Joe during the campaign."

The S&P 500 has risen 24.1% since Election Day with numbers that easily trounce any of his predecessors.

The only administration going back to 1953, or the beginning of Eisenhower's term, to rival Biden's were those of John F. Kennedy, who saw an 18.5% rise during the same period."

Republicans didn't give Trump credit for the economy he inherited.

Should Biden get credit for this one?

If so, why?

Trump's stock market was based on companies celebrating low taxes and climate destroying deregulation.

Biden is increasing their taxes and regulation yet still the market is climbing.

Turns out that fighting a pandemic is better for the economy than lying about it and killing a half million people.

The big difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump measured his own 'success' by how much money he made for billionaires and large corporations. and Biden is measuring his success by how many people get vaccinated against Covid and how many American lives he is able to save.

It is ironic that while Biden is being so successful in the Covid fight,

Wall Street is also booming at a higher rate than it was under Trump.

Somebody should tell Trump that that is what a real "winner" looks like.

More Information From CNBC; Biden’s 100-day stock market performance is the hottest going back to the 1950s…

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