NEW YORK LOSES CONGRESSIONAL SEAT: The Needed Just 89 People On Their Census


NEW YORK LOSES CONGRESSIONAL SEAT: The Needed Just 89 People On Their Census

NYC SPECTRUM NEWS: New York will lose one seat in the House of Representatives as its population did not grow as fast as other parts of the country, the U.S. Census Bureau on Monday announced.

NY POITICS The state fell 89 residents short of retaining all of its House seats -- a statistic that will likely lead to questions over how the count was tabulated and whether New Yorkers were undercounted during the once-a-decade survey conducted amid a pandemic.

"That's a razor thin margin and that makes a huge difference in terms of not only New York's politics, but can also impact federal aid to the state," said Blair Horner of New York Public Interest Research Group.

The loss of a House seat in the chamber, based on a state's population, is another sign of New York's diminishing clout on the federal level even as prominent Democrats like Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in the U.S. Senate and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries are rising to power in Washington.

New York's House seats, nevertheless, will decrease from 27 to 26. But the effect could go further than that, with federal funding, clout in presidential elections, and even the decisions made by corporate America based on Census data at stake.

It will not be known for at least another year which House seat will be eliminated, but a likely candidate is the district currently represented by Rep. Tom Reed, a Republican who is retiring at the end of the current term amid an allegation of sexual harassment....…

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