Kim Potter


Written by Ben Crump, Edited  by John Rivera

This is Kim Potter — the officer who killed Daunte Wright... but did she know the difference between a handgun and a taser? Let’s review the facts:

She is a 26-year veteran of the Brooklyn Center Police Department. She was 6 YEARS into her law enforcement career when Daunte was BORN!

She also serves as police union president. She has defended questionable actions in the past.

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Here’s an example of her doing just that:

After the fatal police shooting of Kobe Dimock-Heisler, Potter gave instructions to other officers on how to protect themselves and obscure accountability: “Officer Potter instructed Officers Turner аnd Akers to exit the residence, get into sepаrаte squаd cаrs, turn off their body worn cаmerаs, аnd to not tаlk to eаch other.”

Potter knew exactly what she was doing.

She knew how to obscure the truth.

In that instance, her actions were clearly intentional.

This is A stun gun

Stun Gun example #1
Stun Gun example #3

These are Service Weapons aka Real Guns

Police Service Weapons

To the Chief of that police department It is no Doubt She meant to kill ,Stop making Excuses.

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